Paperjam : Interview de Bernard Moreau sur le Cloud Computing

Découvrez l’interview de Bernard Moreau, CEO chez Labgroup, parue dans la première édition de la newsletter “Coffee Break : Technologies” de Paperjam, le 11 Novembre 2015.

“L’écosystème réglementaire, est-il favorable au cloud?”

La question qui est posée est celle de la volonté des entreprises de franchir le pas vers une gestion électronique de leur archivage, suite à l’adoption de la loi encadrant cette pratique. Une première en Europe qui donne aux copies électroniques la même valeur probante que l’original papier.

Selon notre analyse du marché, les sociétés de taille moyenne à grande, dont la maturité en matière de gouvernance de l’information est déjà élevée et les moyens financiers importants, ont bien l’intention «d’y aller».

Veuillez consulter l’article complet sur le microsite de Paperjam.

Labgroup and LIST collaborate to foster technological innovation

In order to better display their technological innovations to its visitors, LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, formerly Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor) inaugurated on the 22nd of September 2015 the “LIST Technological Showroom” in the presence of the Grand Duke, accompanied by several ministers, including the Prime Minister Xavier Bettel.

According to LIST, the Showroom can be defined as a concentration of technologies “Made in Luxembourg”, developed by LIST and its industry partners in collaboration with Luxinnovation. It illustrates perfectly the positioning of the institute and its desire to reduce the existing gap between scientific research and businesses.” 

Labgroup, which has been one of the partners in the development of the new innovation “Trusted Data Hub” by LIST, exhibited and presented this new risk analysis tool.

Labgroup collaborates with LIST for several years, the only Research and Technology Organization (RTO) in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg which dedicates its resources and knowledge to the development of science and technology.

In fact, the collaboration of LIST, Labgroup and other regulated companies and regulators made it possible to create a risk analysis tool that goes beyond the standard risk management procedures. This innovation enables the regulator of a business sector to have at any time a view of the overall security level in its sector.

Each company can now, in their sector, make its risk analysis and reports systematically and quicker. Moreover, an exchange of best practices between these different actors allows better control of the risk management process for all regulated companies and regulators. Labgroup has notably used the risk management tool in order to achieve ISO 27001 certification (information security standard) and to conform with Circular CSSF 12/544 (impact on reputation, operational, legal and financial impact) that covers a risk-based approach.

Beside this collaboration, Labgroup and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology offer on a regular basis training courses and certifications to businesses that want to manage their own digitisation and electronic archiving projects.

For more information on the next training courses and certifications, please visit the “ILM Academy” section of our website or send an email to

Photo : Caratini, C., 2015, Retrieved from :

From left to right : Jean Racine, Chief Business Development Officer, Labgroup; Alain Renault, TIPA Project Leader, LIST ; Johann Alessandroni, Information Security Manager, Labgroup ; Bernard Moreau, Chief Executive Officer, Labgroup; Jean-Pol Michel, Business Development-IT for Innovation Services, LIST.

Paperjam : Une loi pour répondre aux lacunes actuelles

Discover the article on the national archives and the electronic archiving, released the 4th of November 2015, by “Paperjam”.

Attendu de pied ferme depuis 2007, le nouveau texte sur les archives nationales a été approuvé le 30 octobre dernier en Conseil de gouvernement et présenté jeudi par Maggy Nagel (DP), ministre de la Culture. Objectif premier: combler le retard législatif.

Que ce soit les historiens ou les professionnels de la dématérialisation et du stockage de données, le projet de loi sur l’archivage suscite beaucoup d’attentes. Considéré par Maggy Nagel (DP), ministre de la Culture, «non seulement comme important mais comme un texte qui faisait cruellement défaut», le projet de loi vise avant tout à «combler les lacunes de la législation actuelle (…) dans l’intérêt de la mémoire collective du Luxembourg et des générations futures». (…)

Veuillez consulter l’article complet de Paperjam.