Entries by Cindy Reff

Paperjam : Une loi pour répondre aux lacunes actuelles

Discover the article on the national archives and the electronic archiving, released the 4th of November 2015, by “Paperjam”. Attendu de pied ferme depuis 2007, le nouveau texte sur les archives nationales a été approuvé le 30 octobre dernier en Conseil de gouvernement et présenté jeudi par Maggy Nagel (DP), ministre de la Culture. Objectif premier: […]

Labgroup and NG Partners/Xerox mobilise their combined expertise to assist customers in the archiving of their documents to achieve equivalent probative value (PSDC).

Stéphane Nonnweiler, Managing Director of NG Partners – Xerox dealer in Luxembourg – and Bernard Moreau, CEO of Labgroup, unveiled this Thursday 24th September 2015 the benefits of their combined competences in electronic archiving. Together, the two associates propose a concrete and global offer which goes from the dematerialisation to the destruction of documents, through […]

Luxemburger Wort : Against the (piles of) paper

Discover the article on electronic archiving, released the 18th of September 2015, by the “Luxemburger Wort”. The ideal of running a business without the use of any paper has gone one step forward by the adoption of a law which introduces a new e-archiving legal framework in Luxembourg. The law of the 25th July 2015 […]

New solution to scan and archive data

Discover the newest article on electronic archiving, released the 25th of September 2015, by the “Lëtzebuerger Journal”. Labgroup from Contern and NG partners/Xerox have developed a new solution which enables the companies to scan data at their premises and to archive them securely at Labgroup. This solution, “made in Luxembourg”, will focus on small- and […]

Interview fm in Luxembourg : Les entreprises sont-elles bien informées sur la dématérialisation?

Découvrez l’interview sur la dématérialisation des données de Jean Racine, Business Development Director chez Labgroup, parue dans le magazin fm in Luxembourg du mois de septembre 2015. La dématérialisation consiste à remplacer les supports physiques de l’information (papier le plus souvent) par des fichiers de données informatiques traitées sur ordinateurs. Quand la substitution est complète, […]

New e-archiving legal framework

Update 04/08/2015 This Act “Loi du 25 juillet 2015 relative à l’archivage électronique et portant modification:1. de l’article 1334 du Code civil; 2. de l’article 16 du Code de commerce; 3. de la loi modifiée du 5 avril 1993 relative au secteur financier”was published in the Official Journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg MEMORIAL […]

Invitation URB Wine Tasting Event Thursday, October 2, 2014

Labgroup is pleased to invite you as a VIP to the URB Wine Tasting Event in Luxembourg, a unique event organized by the Belgian Business Club Luxembourg with great wine and food degustation provided by Delhaize. Please join us for this fun and casual event with great wine tasting, prizes, music and fun networking. Date: […]